Adjusting & Aging…
Aside: My body has not normalized as hoped and expected. Strength and endurance are still significant issues. Balance is also a bit off especially noted windsurfing on smaller boards in windy conditions. (I turned 84 last Thursday and am a recent cancer survivor.)
In this case my focus is on aging and adjusting to aging. Disease, disease treatments, getting older, all take their tolls on our our physical performance. So, what if we choose to believe that we can bend the rules a bit? The rules that say as we age we get weaker. Cancer treatment or whatever the disease recovery means we have also become somewhat less capable. What if we persist with adjusting our life style in becoming stronger and maintaining that strength?
This is not an attempt to set a standard of achievement or excellence. My intent is not to establish or create an unrealistic mindset and goal. My efforts are simply to become the best and strongest that I can possibly become and to safely continue windsurfing for as long as possible. I love windsurfing, being on the water, and as Monty Python’s Eric Idle sang, “Always look on the bright side of life!”
Just do it, as the tagline goes, “Just Do It” is more than a slogan, it’s a call to action. Do it with strong intention to keep doing it, and work at maintaining and building as much strength and endurance as possible.
Publishing here helps makes this all a clear commitment. Hey - it’s worked many times in my life.
New windsurfing gear include larger 118 L, 148L, and 225L boards. When wind conditions are good the destination will be to both windsurf or foil. The 225L Starboard Start is for the grandkids but, it can also be used as an SUP/light wind cruiser. (My beloved 105L and the 85L can be added to the strap down top side on the van as needed.)
Golfing with a club membership allows not only higher savings playing more and also an incentive and opportunity to play a minimum of 3 - 4 rounds of 18 holes weekly. This will help to add around 7,500+ steps per round whether golfing solo or with friends. Plus, living across from Eagle Valley Golf Course also offers taking advantage of a quick front or back 9 hole solo round Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. when the adult and student golf traffic is lower on the fairways…
The gym is open 24 hours daily. Plan on 2 - 3 two hour sessions weekly. If time permits, walk to the gym and walk home.
Walking and hiking, including golf, with a minimum 20 mile/32 km total weekly distance as a target is doable.
Throughout the day, routines around home involve stretching, QiGong (balance), some yoga (balance), steps & stairs, free-weights, push ups, pull ups, squat up-hauls & etc., etc.
Mindfully limit alcohol and sugar.
Keep hydrated, eat well but moderately, lots of different vegetables etc., and use intermittent fasting to maintain body weight around 165 lb./75 kg…
Seek validated literature regarding aging and keeping strong. Find geriatric studies involving exercise, sports, endurance, etc.
Remember: It’s about time management, family, friends, other responsibilities, and living well. Keep adjusting till it comes together as a workable routine. This is one of those rather ambitious, fail your way to success ventures. Be mindful and ready to adjust this daily schedule. Maintaining a significant pursuit can not only be time consuming, it can be annoying to others. That said, Just Do It, but be reasonable about the ‘when’.
June 10th. In reviewing the overall progress this past month reading through the Strategies above would yield as follows…
Have only been on the water twice to sail and windsurf, missed two days of windsurfing as catch up in yard chores, home maintenance, etc. was required
Have been golfing 4 - 5 times weekly Monday through Friday, and walking, taking lessons, hitting balls on the range, and hiking at a rate of more than 10,000 steps a day.
Mostly yes.
Yes, body weight around 168 pounds.
July 10
Reorganizing the van a. April through June - primarily windsurfing. b. July primarily - foiling. c. August September primarily windsurfing. d. Fall & winter - Travel and physical routines from above…