
Of significance there are two essential concepts. 1. Your intention. 2. Knowing there are many ways to help you heal.

Your intention (to heal) is fundamentally the most important tool in whatever the achievement you choose to accomplish. Intention is the determination needed to persist in both the search and in the doing. Searching for and researching are the ways involved in the process of healing your body.

Exercise and diet will likely make sense for starters. Also consider walking as an exercise for a reasonable time each day. Following something like the Mediterranean diet is a good start as well. Avoid or quit smoking, limit alcohol intake, and reduce sugar. These are all important considerations. Seeking advice from a doctor or health care provider to help is also recommended.

Know this. There’s a litany of healing food and herbs. Our first nations throughout North America understood the need to use food and herbs as healing. Books and studies abound with information. Check diet, nutrition, self help aisles and look beyond delivered food plans although there may be some that fit your need. For the most part hospital meals are OK but there are rumours that the food provided is evidence they simply want you to want to go home.

Make sure the more obvious physical deficiencies are covered. Blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, vitamin deficiencies, dental care, sleep disorders, depression, hearing, eyesight, obesity, malnutrition, anorexia nervosa, are all treatable issues that anyone might need to be address in helping heal their body.

Setting achievable, realistic goals in all of this is a beginning. And the intention to follow them without fail is essential.

Next step comes as a significant concept that will help in both understanding and and accepting any treatment. We know that a cut will heal in a reasonably short period of time. Colds and illness also go away in a few days. Reset Broken bones mend in 4 weeks and more serious illnesses can treated or prevented using drugs, vaccines, or an acceptable methodolgy of some kind. Body healing can and will be helped with seeking and finding valid research. Peer reviewed studies with a single blind built into the research is essential in proving what works and what doesn’t. In single or double blind research testing placebos present an interesting and worthwhile comment. Many patients who were not told whether they did or did not receive the drug being tested showed improvement. Treating yourself with your mind is possible, but there is more to the placebo effect than positive thinking.

Your mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance. The idea that your brain can convince your body a fake treatment is the real thing — the so-called placebo effect — and thus stimulate healing has been around for a long time. Now science has found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatments.

Plus we have a built in immune system. Our bodies are designed to heal.

It’s important to note at this point that there are valid and invalid ways to achieve healing. We live in a market based economy and there are, among all of the valid remedies available out there, things available that may be clever money making distractions trying to get your attention to give them a try at your cost, and on your time. We live in a world with fake news and scams. Buyer beware.

Time can be of significant importance when lives and living matters.

The following sections will be devoted to the ways and suggestions that I found helped me heal in treating my medically diagnosed Metastatic Prostate Cancer.

1. Medical Treatment for cancer.

I chose the standard Hormone Therapy and Radiation after being referred by my family doctor to a team of urologists and a radiation oncologist. The end results were excellent with a 0 - 0 result. Zero - Zero… Zero - negligible cancer and Zero - 0.5 testosterone levels. That said I was told by my urologist that (prostate) cancer would likely (an 80% chance) return somewhere in my body at some point in my future and would most likely be the cause of my eventual death. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers). It is the 3rd leading cause of death from cancer in men in Canada. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men. At 75 years I was told by our family doctor that PSA tests for me were to be discontinued. I was told that prostate cancer was a slow moving disease and the likelihood of dying from another cause was more likely the expected outcome than dying from prostate cancer.

At age 75 I was told by my family doctor that a PSA test was no longer given. It was unlikely that a slow growing prostate cancer would be the cause of death over the next 10 years. Death from a variety of other factors in our old age would most likely be the cause. A firmly requested PSA test showed an elevated likelihood of prostate cancer. At 81 years of age and still going strong life was good. Thankfully I was referred to a specialized team of urologists in St. Catharines for treatment.

A prescribed needle biopsy missed targeting the tumor. I was told that a tumour (if any) was small and to simply wait and watch, but a follow up second PSA test a few months later (42.7 mg/ml) resulted in an “oops, we missed something” and an MRI was scheduled. The PSA level in blood is measured in units called nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL)

As an aside, my radiation oncologist advised that some of my radiation dosage would have to increased well beyond the normal limits to help kill the cancer in my prostate and lymphatic tissue. Hormone treatment for however long would help kill or control any other cancer cells in my body.

The last five sessions of the 40 sessions of radiation were gruelling, followed by about a month of illness and a sincere thank God for bananas and Rice Krispies…

To this date having being off hormone therapy for about 8 months I still suffer the side affects including hot flashes, sweats, weakness and low endurance from the lack of testosterone production. Hopefully as healing slowly progresses these side effects will discontinue and strength and endurance can be expected to return.

Recommendations - Get a PSA test at least once a year regardless of your age and regardless what your family doctor says. Medical philosophy on PSA tests varies among the family doctors of several friends of my own age. A number of my own age friends and colleagues were given a PSA test by their doc without any hesitation or argument.

If I had been diagnosed with cancer and referred for treatment a few years earlier the overall result would have been easier, and with a better result.

A friend of mine opted for another treatment for prostate caner. Its called Nanoknife surgery and available in Germany, Toronto, and throughout the USA. Electricity is used to zap the malignancy. In Canada he Nanoknife Procedure is a surgical procedure that is considered a private procedure where a fee is charged to the patient.

What is the success rate of NanoKnife? It is is 97% effective in the eradication of the index lesion of the prostate. There is a < 20% recurrence rate in the rest of the prostate at five years of follow-up. The Nanoknife Procedure is a surgical procedure that is not covered by government insurance (OHIP) and is considered a private procedure where a fee is charged to the patient. The overall cost to fly to Germany stay in a hotel near a clinic with meals etc., and get treated is around CAN$32,000. (The cost of a good used car)

(copy & paste this url below for the NanoKnife trip to Germany)


None of my urologists had heard about this alternative treatment at the time of my decision to use hormone/radiation.

Stem cell treatment is also being conducted in Panama.

2. Knowing Yourself

My self concept is one of being athletic. Racquet sports, running the 10k for a dozen years in my mid life, skiing, cycling, hiking, working out at the gym, and for the past 44 continuous years windsurfing. My intention is to continue being active throughout my whole life. The goals that I set were always if it’s going to be - it’s up to me. For the most part my daily activity reflects continuing to walk/hike 20 miles/32km each week, Workout at the gym 3 times a week, follow the wind and waves whenever/wherever possible, and be mindful of the gardening chores and share in whatever’s needed in home upkeep.

3. Seek ways to help maintain a healthy lifestyle and heal as needed. The following activities are what I did prior and during my treatment.

QiGong (Chi Kung), Tai Chi, Yoga, meditation, prayer, family, grounding/earthing, friendships, exercise and training, travel, hobbies include photography, sailing, gardening, geology, paleontology, and wind & water sports,

4. Grounding/Earthing

Many years ago I remember a documentary that described the healing process know as grounding. A simple technique that involves walking barefoot to help the body. heal. I made a grounding mat from metal screening and wired it to the ground plug on an electrical power outet on the wall. I used it for a while and it felt good. But at some point stopped and the ground screen was was converted to a soil screen and I forgot about it.

Recently i was searching Amazon Prime for anything that dealt with healing. A new movie called Earthing appeared and after watching it I made another grounding screen. Tried it for a week, and my sleep improved, muscular discomfort from working out diminished, and my dreams were improved. (I’ve had night terrors for most of my life)

I made several “foot” mats using galvanized .25” /1/4 “ screen for friends and a several grounding sheets from stainless screening mesh for bedtime, naps on the sofa, etc. The .25” galvanized screen is to be my go to choice and like several of my friends will eventually purchase a grounding bed sheet for sleeping.

We tend to stop using something once we feel better but in fact with something like grounding should be continued. Walking barefoot on grass has much the same value.

Check out the following link for the earthing movie (copy Paste) ->(YouTube Link just below) or go to Amazon Prime.


And - what appears to be a valid study (copy paste the url below)


a simple, easy to make grounding device for bare feet.

a border made from duct tape, masking tape, metal tape, will help protect the feet from sharp edges

Yes, that’s a pop rivet for the grounding inlet…

A bed or sofa ground sheet suitable for napping with bare feet on a pillow, or simply on the floor for stretching…

5. Healers will use intention to ground themselves at the beginning of a session but the understanding of this comes with a course in Reiki, or another healing method. My treatments with Reiki and distance healing helped to move energy however and wherever as needed. A unique experience to say the least.

6. Prayer.

Prayer was a renewed moment of struggle. It came in conjunction with my reading of Wayne Dyer’s book titled The Power Of Intention. At this moment that book remains as a go to source of good advice for so much of our daily thinking and doing.

Prayer can definitely help connect anyone to a free and available healing energy source. My experiece with prayer was an extremely positive one for many reasons. I realized a number of signicant beliefs that were revealed to me within my spiritual journey. Simply let go and let God.

Meditations in conjunction with prayer were also helpful.

a. We are spirits on a human journey. We live, we die, we are born again, an endless cycle. There is an endless and free supply of healing energy available to anyone for the asking.

b. A daily ritual includes the following thoughts… God be in my head and in my thinking. God be in my eyes and in my seeing…

…God be in my breath and in my speaking. God be in my ears and in my listening. God be in my heart and in my greeting. God be in my arms and in my lifting. God be in my hands and in my doing. God be in my gut and in my digestion. God be in my organs and their purposeful doing. God be in the damage from radiation and drugs within my mid body and in any needed of healing. God be in my legs and in my walking. God be in my feet and in my balance God be at my journey’s end and at my reviving…. you can direct this prayer wherever you feel it will help.

It involves our will and commitment to not only be be healed in this case but also in seeking to help focus to accomplish whatever we choose to attain within our lives.

7. One of the more surprising outcomes of my journey was the realization that death is not to be feared. All of us will eventually die from something. Death is simply a part of our life journey on this planet, so prepare for it. The seed of an oak tree will perpetuate oak trees for as long as they can be accommodated within earth’s changing cycles. At some point the oak tree is also programmed to adapt to whatever change it faces. So too humanity. The universe is a very large living room. Have faith.

(yes, this is a personal belief system)

8. A few of the books that contributed to my current healing and state of mind.

Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention Hay House Inc.

Wayne Dyer Inspiration (These 3 Wayne Dyer books are also available as one single publication)

Wayne Dyer Excuses Begone

George Picard Heal yourself with QiGong

Michael A. Singer the unteathered soul

9. Square or Box Breathing. It’s designed to reduce stress and improve concentration and used by Navy Seals. I include it in my wake up, hiking, walking, and throuout the day. It quite simply just feels good!

10. People who want to heal the most want to live more. Like - I still have a lot I really wand and need to do. I’m not done windsurfing my butt off, mastering the foil, golf, cycling, sailing, walking beaches, driving the MSport, building and rebuilding stuff, lovin’ my wife, children, grandkids, friends, reconstructing a Devonian garden, celebrating sunrise, sunset, trying to understand quantum entanglement and the joy of hiking unique environments, so maybe - simply put, not finished with this life.

Our human body is capable of doing so many things. Love the anything you can do. Practise makes perfect. If it’s worth doing it’s worth doing badly! Do things you want to do and love to do. I believe your body loves you too for all the doing.

We have the power to heal. If you believe it you can achieve it.

Healing is a prime requisite in my world.

This past week my wife Nancie and I tested positive for Covid. Because of the painful muscular discomfort I stopped working out at the gym and haven’t been walking. Meditation and connections to heal is on going. I still ground and do QiGong. My sleeping time would total about 16 hours daily so far this week. Will add to this post as symptoms with whatever side effects and change over the coming week.

Saturday, March 9th

Walked to the gym, worked out for about 75 minutes, walked home. Felt a bit off, coughing a bit, some muscular discomfort, and thought I was likely sharing my wife’s cold symptoms.

Sunday, March 10th

Drove to the gym. worked out for about 75 minutes, felt somewhat lethargic, coughed, sneezed, sniffles, runny nose, had some muscular discomfort. Nancie said she tested negative for Covid. I napped for a few hours and slept through the night. Total sleep about 10 hours.

Monday, March 11th

Slept in. Coughing, runny nose, overall muscular pain. Tired and lethargic. Napped late morning for a few hours. Nancie retested using a new kit for Covid and was positive. Found her original test in the bathroom toss that did ultimately have a positive indication. I tested and was positive. Slept for the afternoon. Felt crappy, sneezed, coughed, body ached, slept for a total of 15 hours. Took the Tylenol blue night time tablet, slept well…

Tuesday, March 12th

Same symptoms (Feeling crappy) Took a dose of the day tablet - Tylenol Colds and Flu. Pain was reduced significantly. Total sleep including naps was 16 hours

Wednesday, March 13th

Same symptoms, still feeling off but felt relief using the cold and flu medication. Around noon I had two severe stomach cramps with severe dizziness, each about 15 - 20 seconds in duration the likes of which were extremely painful. Scary. Slept till around 4. My thinking that Covid at this time was and should be a simple walk in the park - HA! Not so. Total sleep time 16 hours. Will test again on Friday. Starting to edit to improve this overall post.

Thursday, March 14th

An easier day, slept about 12 hours overall. Muscular discomfort has eased significantly. Just finished improved the bed grounding sheet with metal tape bonded to the pillowcase and connected directly to a stainless steel screen mesh inside the pillowcase. It has a solid grounding feel.

Used an adhesive metal tape over a pillowcase with a stainless steel screen mesh in side. The red cord plugs into the ground insert on a wall outlet. PS - yes, grounding sheets and mats can be purchased on line, I really like the doing of it all…

Friday, March 15th

Best day yet. Runny nose, coughed a bit, no muscular discomfort, not tired. Will wait a day and test. The grounding bedsheet works well - A great night of sleep…

Saturday, March 16th

Some nasal congestion. Off the food store with a mask and FaceTime on the smart phone ready when needed.

John Grant

Retired administrator, windsurfer, hiker, amateur photographer, aging survivor…


Adjusting & Aging…
