rethinking simple…
Keep it simple. Having worked a 1995 HTML Do It Yourself website for almost 20 years and currently having many older photos on hand makes it tempting to carry on where we left off. But that wouldn’t be simple.
Nothing was simple about windinsight 2003 - 2021. It became unwieldy as outdated technology and new operating systems collided. For lack of better words it simply broke down and became unmanageable for a recreational photographer & web designer.
The many older photos still available will certainly help to keep the site alive and changing when the camera is packed away. But, a new and simpler site presentation will instead invite easier visits and more manageable site maintenance.
Photos have many different aspect ratios. Some current popular examples are 3 X 2, 5 X 4, 9 X 16… There are site templates available here that accommodate these different size values so the whole photo can be viewed with losing anything. Consideration will be given to this concern when uploading photos with a unique aspect.
Simply put, it’s time to simplify, get on with it, get out, and capture some new moments as well…
there were more than 80,000 images in total on the original site…