, refocus, click, check…

This website is better described as a somewhat challenging endeavour. It’s a template base and it works relatively well if you can follow all of the rules. For two ‘’ examples with my ‘’ version it’s not possible to simply move/organize photo galleries easily from page to page and it was just this past week I discovered why some photos somehow disappeared. We learn by doing.

As mentioned above, the inner workings of this site are governed and limited by its creator It takes some time to get the hang of it all and there are still a number of manipulations still unknown to me that I need to pursue and get help with in order to figure them out. That’s generally why (this) still gets a bit muddled and out of tune. My need to figure things out often leaves a few problems either somewhat unsolved or kind of patch-worked over.

It’s often a trial and error, fail my way to success venture, navigating within this template format. Long gone is the old, controllable, familiar, outdated, first generation HTML/CSS construct that was the original from 20+ years ago. It kinda went the way of my first pair of 1975 Nike Waffle Trainers and 1979 BoneFone.

There are a dozen languages available to create websites. All very technical and at this stage in my life an unlikely course to pursue.

The iPhone14 Pro is a great photo tool for the most part. A wonderful travelling companion. No lugging a large camera bag about. But, the iPhone doesn’t handle zoom, sports action, and a number of other photog situations as well as a hand held DSLR camera does with prime and zoom lenses.

Since this site for me is about seeking and taking photos worth saving and sharing means using whatever it takes to get the best shots possible. That requires, in my opinion, a very capable camera, very capable zoom lenses to cover a wide variety of situations, a beautiful kick-ass speedlight to get better exposures in lower light, and a handy, well-organized bag (or two) capable of carrying all the necessary gear.

And so, I’m back carrying my somewhat unwieldy, bulky bag of very proficient long zoom L 70 - 200mm & 100 - 400mm lenses, a very capable, powerful speedlight (and remote flash when necessary) to both help fill in those dark shadows in a scene or portrait, and, a newer, a full frame Canon 5D IV (using RAW capture) plus a very fast L 24 -70mm lens. In addition to all this two editing tools Lightroom and Photoshop are on hand to to edit, resize, and help prepare and ready the better captured pics for upload .

(btw) 98% of all original RAW files are not stored for more than a few weeks because of the huge storage space they require.

It’s my renewed intention to simply fashion a good, working .com website at a local level to take and post some shareable photos with wind-loving colleagues. And yes, the very handy iPhone14pro is mostly in one my pockets, as a backup, and ready to do what it does best.

The original wind forecast from the Main Page on Monday, September 22nd, 2003, from our home breakwall on Sunset Bay Wainfleet.

John Grant

Retired administrator, windsurfer, hiker, amateur photographer, aging survivor…

About Golf Versus Windsurfing


Maybe a new golfing partner, maybe not...